+44 113 403 50 43
UK/EU Customs Clearance
T1/T2 Transit
ATA Carnet
SCAN & GO Direct
For You
Open account
Power of Attorney (POA)
Clearance Instruction
Importers knowledge declaration
Community Transit Indemnity
POA (Private)
Community Transit Indemnity
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You can cancel the above authority at any time by notifing us via email: info@brightcustoms.co.uk
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hereby confirm, that:
In consideration of use of a Community Transit Guarantee granted to us by Bright Customs UK, for goods owned by us or under our control, or transported against our instructions; we hereby indemnify Bright Customs UK in respect of all and any fines, Duties, taxes or charges which may be imposed by any EU, EFTA or Visegrad Customs Authority as liable against the non-discharge or mis-presentation of any Community Transit Document prepared by Bright Customs UK for our benefit.
We understand that we will become liable to charges and fines should a Community Transit Document (NCTS or T-Form), issued by Bright Customs UK for our benefit and against our instruction not be properly presented to Customs in the stated Country of destination within eight days of issue and, further, that charges may become due although alternative commercial evidence of the particular transaction being satisfactorily finalized is to hand. We have been informed Customs Authorities sometimes insist evidence of discharge can only be confirmed by direct correspondence between the relative Customs Authorities and that neither Bright Customs UK or any other party can influence that exchange. Therefore, it is necessary on occasion to accept charges/fines we believe should not be paid and to then pursue a refund from the relative Authority, by appeal if necessary. We accept that such charges may be demanded up to three years after the intended transaction, always against Bright Customs UK as Principal to the Guarantee and that, however late or unreasonable such a charge or fine may appear, Bright Customs UK must meet such a demand or UK H.M. Customs & Revenue would immediately withdraw their Community Transit Guarantee rendering them unable to maintain their business services.
We undertake to make payment to Bright Customs UK on demand to reimburse any Duties, Taxes, Levies and Fines which may be claimed by any EU, EFTA or Visegrad Customs Authority against the COMMUNITY TRANSIT GUARANTEE granted by Bright Customs UK to cover goods which, at the time of export from the UK may be owned by us, or under our control, or for which we have issued an instruction to Bright Customs UK. Upon receipt of evidence that Bright Customs UK arranged payment of such a demand, we here undertake to reimburse Bright Customs UK within seven days and will accept an interest penalty of 7.5% per month or part thereof.
The above is a standing indemnity given by
In favour of Bright Customs UK, and cannot be cancelled following a transaction.
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